Anti-rotation ring for a scroll machine
Anti-slip apparatus for wheeled vehicle
Anti-stall control for electrical hyrostatic transmission...
Apparatus and control for variable exhaust brake
Apparatus and method for accurate detection of locomotive...
Apparatus and method for adjusting engine control system
Apparatus and method for calculating work load engine
Apparatus and method for calibrating an engine management...
Apparatus and method for controlling a multi-fuel engine
Apparatus and method for controlling air/fuel ratio using...
Apparatus and method for controlling pilot injection
Apparatus and method for in situ fuel injector calibration...
Apparatus and method for operating an internal combustion...
Apparatus and method for providing an alternative fuel...
Apparatus and method for retarding an engine with an exhaust...
Apparatus and method for suppressing internal combustion...
Apparatus and method for the identification of angular pulses
Apparatus for aligning push rods
Apparatus for and method of controlling plant
Apparatus for compensation of operation of negative pressure...