Cantilevered crankshaft stirling cycle machine
Catalytic burner apparatus for stirling engine
Catalytic coatings to directly generate heat upon the...
Center-porting and bearing system for free-piston stirling...
Cogeneration apparatus
Cogeneration apparatus for heat and electric power production
Cogeneration system
Cogeneration system and method
Combined heat and electricity generating apparatus and method
Combined heat and power system
Combustion chamber for supercharged internal combustion engine
Combustion engine exhaust energy recovery system
Combustion system
Compact ceramic recuperator preheater for stirling engine
Compound internal combustion engine with crossover overcharging
Compound regenerative engine
Concentric crossflow recuperator for stirling engine
Configurations and methods for thermal integration of lng...
Connecting a prime mover driven alternator to a circuit with...
Coolant penetrating cold-end pressure vessel