Device for assisting ground navigation of an aircraft on an...
Device for assisting in the navigation of a person
Device for attaching a travel distance measuring instrument...
Device for backing up calibration information and aircraft...
Device for briefly bridging the failure of the satellite...
Device for caging the gimbal mounting in gyroscopes
Device for checking or calibrating the angle-dependent...
Device for detecting rotation about an axis and method of...
Device for determining direction and measuring distance
Device for determining the position of an object in relation...
Device for displying travel path of motor vehicle
Device for indicating a horizontal direction and one or more...
Device for marking a measuring point
Device for marking out land
Device for measuring or detecting the degree of inclination...
Device for measuring the distance travelled by and the speed...
Device for photogrammetric evaluation of stereo- couples of...
Device for recording distances traveled on personal and...
Device for reviewing the flight plan of an aircraft,...
Device for scanning adjacent profiles in stereo photographs