Method and apparatus for verifying a color of an led in a...
Method and apparatus to determine spatial distribution of...
Method and applications to enhance and image optical signals...
Method and arrangement for the metrological detection of the...
Method and device for analysis with color identification...
Method and device for analyte measurement
Method and device for calibrating an optical pyrometer, and...
Method and device for detecting a specific spectral feature
Method and device for evaluating electromagnetic radiation
Method and device for measuring emissions of gaseous...
Method and device for measuring solar irradiance using a...
Method and device for measuring the temperature of a molten...
Method and device for selecting shade of a colour coding ring
Method and device for the colorimetric measurement of a...
Method and devices for wavelength and power demodulation...
Method and instrument for selecting personal compatible colors
Method and means for separating radiation of one wavelength...
Method and scanning apparatus for color separation and...
Method and system for arranging a paint color display
Method and system for automatic color determination and...