Detachable optical connector
Detachable remotely-adjustable extension mirror system
Detection device of an internal arc in a metalclad...
Device allowing the extremity of an optic fibre to be...
Device and method for adjusting a position of an optical...
Device and method for applying light conductive fibers
Device and method for chopping an optical beam
Device and method for exposing a photo material
Device and method for fiber optic cable delivery
Device and method for fitting a protective element to an...
Device and method for light beam splitting for dual sensor...
Device and method for manipulation of thermal response in a...
Device and method for polarisation-independent processing of...
Device and method for positioning optical fibers
Device and method for recording an interference pattern in a...
Device and method for the concentration of solar rays with...
Device and method for the optical scanning of media,...
Device and method for the viewing of distant objects
Device and method for wavelength filtering
Device and method for wavelength-dependent light outcoupling