Long period chiral fiber grating apparatus
Long period optical fiber grating filter device
Long time aperture optical tapped delay line
Long wavelength optical fiber communication and sensing systems
Long wavelength, low-loss optical waveguide
Long wavelength, pure silica core single mode fiber and...
Long-length continuous phase bragg reflectors in optical media
Longitudinal sealing device for optical cable core
Longitudinal sealing device for optical fibre cores
Longitudinally divided sleeve/envelope for light waveguide...
Longitudinally watertight light-wave conducting cable
Loop back plug and method
Lossless optical divider/combiner with pump diversion for...
Lossless optical splitter
Louvered echelon lens
Louvered reflective head-up display for automobiles
Low absorption coatings for infrared laser optical elements
Low attenuation optical waveguide
Low back reflection fiber optic cable termination and method...
Low color purity, anti-reflection coatings for transparent...