Aspheric mirror produced by the elastic deformation of a...
Aspheric plano eyewear
Aspheric toric lens designs
Aspherical contact lens for the correction of prebyopia
Aspherical eyeglass lens
Assemblies of tube and fiber units and a unit position...
Assembly for mounting and correcting the position of an...
Assembly for representing images in three dimensions
Assembly for the selective three-dimensional or...
Assembly including an active matrix liquid crystal display...
Assembly including an active matrix liquid crystal display...
Assembly of an optical component and an optical waveguide
Assembly of chip for an integrated optical circuit on a...
Assembly of elongated elements, particularly a fibre optic...
Assembly of microencapsulated electronic display
Assembly of optical component and optical fibre
Assembly procedure for optical module
Assembly-type durable optical connector adapter
Asymetric cube corner article and method of manufacture
Asymmetric aspheric contact lens