Parametric generation with lateral beam coupling
Parametric oscillator with nonresonant signal
Parametric oscillator with nonresonant signal
Parking device for fiber distribution hub
Partial eyeshield
Partial reflector
Partially detached core optical waveguide
Partially or fully recessed microlens fabrication
Partially reflective optical component and laser source...
Partially transmitting film
Particle detecting system using brownian motion emission
Particulate transfer film with improved bead carrier
Parting-off tool for metal tubes, particularly for stainless...
Partly transparent mirror for a ring laser gyro
Passband filter in an optical waveguide
Passband flattening of dwdm optical filters
Passivating overcoat bilayer for multilayer reflective...
Passive component for all-optical regeneration of high...
Passive fiber optic data bus configurations
Passive infra-red intrusion sensor