Solid-state quantum dot devices and quantum computing using...
Spatio-temporal pattern recognition using a spiking neural...
Speech recognition by neural network adapted to reference...
Startup and control of graph-based computation
Superconducting phase-charge qubits
System and method for converting a color formula using an...
System and method for determining acceptability of proposed...
System and method for geocoding diverse address formats
System and method for providing inferencing services
System and method for providing personalized storm warnings
System and method for the automated establishment of...
System and method for wikifying content for knowledge...
System and method of ontological subject mapping for...
System, method and apparatus for assembling and mining life...
Systems and methods for record linkage and paraphrase...
Systems, methods and apparatus for local programming of...
Systems, methods, and apparatus for qubit state readout
Techniques for performing logic operations using quantum...
Temporal sequences with neural networks
The most complete artificial intelligence & processes for 6...