Apparatus for loading fuel pellets in fuel rods
Apparatus for locating a floatable platform
Apparatus for measuring the pitch between adjacent rods in a...
Apparatus for positioning a radiation scanner tube
Apparatus for reinstalling a fuel element in a fuel assembly...
Apparatus for the in-situ inspection of tubes while...
Apparatus, method and component for the loading of fuel...
Appliance holders
Application of noble metals to internal surfaces of...
Assembly mechanism for nuclear fuel bundles
Assembly mechanism for nuclear fuel bundles
Assembly of nuclear fuel rods bundle
Attachment assembly
Austenitic stainless steel alloys having improved resistance...
Automated installation for the transfer and weighing of pots...
Automated nuclear power reactor for long-term operation
Automatic control rod latching device
Automatic door operating mechanism for radiation proof...
Automatic flux mapping system
Axially alignable nuclear fuel pellets