Scanning equalization radiography with stationary...
Scanning system for charged and neutral particle beams
Selective excitation of atoms or molecules to high-lying states
Shutter designed to block high-energy particle beams
Simultaneous double sided irradiation
Single corner kirkpatrick-baez beam conditioning optic assembly
Single-stroke radiation anti-scatter device for variable...
Sintering nuclear fuel pellets
Solid state array with supplementary crossover structure
Source guide tube for radiography source projector system,...
Source holder collimator for encapsulating radioactive...
Source-to-sample distance independent efficiency technique...
Spatially modulated imaging system
Spherical mirror grazing incidence x-ray optics
Stirrer and radioactive source for polymerization reactor
Structure for influencing the effect of x-ray or gamma...
Subassemly, method and system for monochromatizing x- rays
Surfaces for x-ray intensifying screens
System and method for administering radiation
System and method of sorting materials using holographic...