Gain multiplier
Gain of function sorting for drug discovery and development
Gain reflector - liquid crystal display
Gain stabilization apparatus and methods for spectral gamma...
Gain stabilization for radioactivity well logging apparatus
Gain stabilization of gamma-ray scintillation detector
Gain stabilized natural gamma ray detection of casing...
Gain switching device with reduced error for watt meter
Gain-adaptive process control
Gain-shape vector quantization apparatus
Gain-smoothing amplifier device and method in codecs for...
Gain-smoothing in wideband speech and audio signal decoder
Galactose-alpha-1, 3-galactose-containing n-glycans in...
Galbert caliper
Galectin-3 immunoassay
Galilean-type telescope system
Galois field arithmetic logic unit
Galvanic cell oxygen analyzer
Galvanic cells
Galvanic exhaust gas sensor with solid electrolyte