A capacitive element and electric devices comprising such an...
A capacitor and a process for electrically connecting...
A capacitor element for a power capacitor, a method for...
A capacitor element for a power capacitor, a power capacitor...
A capacitor element, a method for manufacturing a capacitor...
A capacitor provided with internal protection
A charge storage device
A charge storage device
A connection between a conductive substrate and a laminate
A high temperature feed-through system and method for making...
A light sensor for removing ambient light level from the...
A polymer gel hybrid solar cell
A self-healing capacitor
Ac electrolytic capacitor and electrolyte
Activated carbon for electric double layer capacitor,...
Activated carbon for electric double-layer capacitor
Adjustable monolithic ceramic capacitor
Adjustable multilayered capacitor
Advanced valve metal anodes with complex interior and...
Aluminium electrolytic capacitor