Lithium-polymer type battery and control system
Lithium-rechargeable electrochemical generator with a carbon...
Lithium-silicon electrode for rechargeable cell
Lithium-sulfur battery and cathode therefore
Lithium/organosulfur redox cell having protective solid...
Lixcoo2 electrode for high-capacity cycle-stable secondary...
Lng cryogenic power generation system using molten carbonate...
Load leveling battery device
Locking-typed battery pack
Long life lithium batteries with stabilized electrodes
Long-life alkaline primary battery
Long-life galvanic primary cell
Low alkali sealing frits, and seals and devices utilizing...
Low circumferential voltage gradient self supporting...
Low cost stable air electrode material for high temperature...
Low current density electrolytic cell and method of...
Low electrolyte level alarm devices
Low gas release lead storage battery
Low gravity electrochemical cell
Low impedance folded polymeric laminate rechargeable battery...