Diffusion reflector
Digital laser pulse shaping module and system
Diode array providing either a pulsed or a cw mode of...
Diode laser with improved means for electrically modulating...
Diode laser with ring reflector
Diode laser, integrated diode laser, and integrated...
Diode lasers type of devices with good coupling between...
Diode pumped laser
Diode pumped slab laser
Diode pumping module
Diode-pumped laser amplifier
Diode-pumped laser system and method
Diode-pumped laser system using uranium-doped q-switch
Diode-pumped system and method for producing image spots of...
Direct amplitude modulation of lasers
Discharge arrangement for pulsed gas lasers
Discharge driven gold catalyst with application to a co-laser
Discharge excitation gas laser device
Discharge excitation pulsed laser oscillation device
Discharge excitation type pulse laser apparatus