Resonant tunneling semiconductor device
Resonant tunneling semiconductor devices
Resonant tunneling transistor
Resonant waveguide aperture manifold
Resonant-tunneling three-terminal unipolar device
Resonating antenna for emitting or receiving polarized waves
Resonating cavity device with transversal dimensional...
Resonator cavity end wall assembly
Resonator device for the production of laser beams
Resonator for an x-ray laser
Resonator for electromagnetic waves with a stabilizer and...
Resonator for radiation generated by stimulated emission
Resonator structure
Resonator, especially for microwave frequency filter, and...
Resonator, filter and duplexer having spirally arranged...
Resonators for high power high temperature superconducting...
Restorable cold cathode in a gas discharge electron ion gun
Restoring stranded conductor electrical distribution cable
Restraining receptacle
Resuspendable coated magnetic particles and stable magnetic...