Universal switching power supply
Universal water-resistant cover assembly for an electrical...
Universal water-resistant hinged-lid cover for an electrical...
Universal, retrofittable powerhead for small gasoline engine...
Universally interchangeable and modular power supply with...
Unrestricted frequency changer system and adjustable...
Unsupervised trip keying for phase comparison relaying...
Upgradable functional feeder unit of a low-voltage...
Upright vacuum cleaner drive motor control
Ups frequency converter and line conditioner
Usage counter for portable jump-starting battery unit
Usb cable and method for producing the same
Use of a thermal limit curve with a time overcurrrent curve...
Use of a transverse-flux machine for application in a...
Use of ptc devices in wiring harnesses
User operated switch and speed control device for a wet/dry...
Using dc transmission system for improving ac transmission...
Using double voltage rectifiers to increase the energy...
Utensil removal detection system for cooking appliance
Utilities service ribbon