Transport block set segmentation
Transport interface for performing protection switching of...
Transport stream dejitterer
Trilateral duplex path conferencing system with broadcast...
Tube commutator
Tunable add/drop optical filter providing arbitrary channel...
Tunable add/drop optical filtering method and apparatus
Tunable bidirectional add/drop multiplexer/demultiplexer for...
Tunable device for extracting and inserting optical carriers...
Tunable optical add/drop device and method
Tunable optoelectronic frequency filter (toff)
Tunable, reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer and a...
Two stage clock dejitter circuit for regenerating an e4...
Two-channel time-multiplex transmission systems
Two-fiber interconnected ring architecture
Two-port ethernet line extender
Two-stage optical bi-directional transceiver
Two-way multichannel carrier wave transmission
Two-way paging system having random reverse channel slot...
Two-way radio transmission system between a main station and...