Transgenic grasses
Transgenic plant cells and plants with modified acetyl-coa...
Transgenic plant for producing polyglutamic acid
Transgenic plants and plant cells with enhanced pathogen...
Transgenic plants expressing cellulolytic enzymes
Transgenic plants having reduced susceptibility to...
Transgenic plants producing a pap ii protein
Transgenic plants with enhanced agronomic traits
Transgenic plants with enhanced agronomic traits
Transgenic plants with enhanced sulfur amino acid content
Transgenic plants with tocopherol methyltransferase
Transgenic reduction of sinapine in crucifera
Transgenic seedless fruit and methods
Two component plant cell lethality methods and compositions
Ultra-fast transformation technique for monocotyledons
Use of a abscisic acid in somatic embryogenesis of pine trees
Use of herbicides of the auxin type for treating transgenic...
Use of high oleic high stearic oils
Use of porous membrane to support developing conifer somatic...
Use of r-genes as a selection marker in plant transformation...