Detachable swivel for coupling gangions to longlines and...
Detecting method and arrangement for dairy cattle
Detection plate for an identification system
Detection system employing trained animals
Determining respiratory or circulatory health condition in...
Development and use of a new orthotopic genetically...
Development of transgenic model for interventions in...
Device and method for animal marking
Device and method for animal tracking
Device and method for aquaculture facilies for exposing...
Device and method for automatic milking of animals
Device and method for automatically milking of animals
Device and method for controlling insects
Device and method for controlling insects
Device and method for driving animals in an oblong corridor...
Device and method for feeding domesticated animals
Device and method for harvesting zooplankton or other micro...
Device and method for keeping animals
Device and method for volitionally orienting fish
Device and method for watering a pet