Agent for contact lenses
Agent for degrading a nucleic acid and method of degrading a...
Agent for destroying house dust mites and its use
Agent for improving lawn grass qualities
Agent for inactivating pathogenic organisms of plants
Agent for preventing pollen dispersal
Agent for protecting sawn timber
Agent for the inactivation of pathogenic germs on surfaces,...
Agent for the protection of materials
Agent for the storage and suspension of cells, especially...
Agent having a protective action against attack by insects...
Agents against protozoa in insects
Agents and process for the protection of wood and coatings...
Agents based on a homogenous phase, and stabilisation...
Agents containing carboxylic acid and the use of the same in...
Agents containing the compound 3-trifluoromethyl-4- nitrophenol
Agents directed against parasites of fishes and insects
Agents for combating bark beetles
Agents for combating pests
Agents for combating plant pests