A cooking aid composition obtained through thermal processing
A delivery system for active components and a material...
A delivery system for active components as part of an edible...
A direct expanded snack made with peanut flour and method...
A dried product and a drying process
A dry clouding agent for dry beverage mixes and method for...
A dry food product containing live probiotic
A flowable composition and a process for making the flowable...
A flowable nondigestible oil and process for making
A food additive for improving immunity
A food composite comprising herring eggs
A food product and method of making said product from the...
A food product containing gel capsules or tablets
A food product for human or animal consumption and a process...
A food product pertaining to a filling-and-cracker sandwich
A food supplement composition based on dehydrated crab meat
A foodstuff supplement and method of producing same
A game-type flavouring agent
A gel-forming liquid dietary fibre composition
A gelled food product with high carbohydrate intake efficiency