Lactone stable formulation of 10-hydroxy 7-ethyl camptothecin
Lactone stable formulation of camptothecin or 7-ethyl...
Lactose-free, non-hygroscopic and anhydrous pharmaceutical...
Lactose-reduced dairy compositions and related methods
Lactylates for the prevention and treatment of infections...
Ladder-type expandable stent
Lak activity enhancers derived from extract of lentinus...
Lamellar post foaming cleansing composition and dispensing...
Lamellar structured cosmetic composition
Lamellar structured pharmaceutical composition
Laminar dressings, systems, and methods for applying reduced...
Laminar flow lighted waterfall apparatus for spa
Laminate device for controlled and prolonged release of...
Laminate device for the output of chemical/physical parameters
Laminate for application onto an acceptor
Laminate web comprising an apertured layer and method for...
Laminated absorbent sheet with perforations
Laminated articles
Laminated composite for transdermal administration of fentanyl
Laminated dressing