Method for blasting ice particles in a surface treatment...
Method for enhancing the rust resistance and the surface...
Method for lapping two surfaces of a titanium disk
Method for mechanochemical treatment of a material
Method for micro-cleaning a support and apparatus for...
Method for preventing fires during pipeline sandblasting...
Method for producing threaded joint
Method for removal of dust deposited on contact apparatus...
Method for removing surface coatings
Method for selective removal of materials present in one or...
Method for surface blasting cavities, particularly cavities...
Method for surface erosion of superalloys employing a liquid...
Method for the repair of the inside of installed conduits
Method for the treatment of steel surfaces, particularly of...
Method for ultrasound shot-blasting of turbomachine parts
Method of abrading with boron suboxide (bxo) and the boron...
Method of doping surfaces
Method of removing a coating
Method of removing wustite scale
Method of sandblasting using moist sand, and sandblasting...