Bi-axially oriented and heat-set multilayer thermoplastic...
Bi-functional nonwoven fabric wipe
Biaxial stretch tubular film for the packaging and covering...
Biaxial stretch tubular film with five layers for the...
Biaxially and monoaxially oriented polypropylene cold seal...
Biaxially orientated laminated polyester film
Biaxially orientated polypropylene multilayer film, process...
Biaxially oriented fluoropolymer films
Biaxially oriented laminated film
Biaxially oriented multilayer barrier films
Biaxially oriented multilayer heat sealable packaging film
Biaxially oriented multilayer polyolefin film which can be...
Biaxially oriented multilayered polyolefin films
Biaxially oriented nonwoven fabric having long and short fibers
Biaxially oriented polyester film
Biaxially oriented polyester film and metallic laminated film
Biaxially oriented polyester film for molded part
Biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate film having a...
Biaxially oriented polylactic acid film with high barrier
Biaxially oriented polyolefin slip films with improved...