Deflection bar unit for snowmobiles
Delivery tricycle
Derailer mechanism
Derailleur bicycle; retractable chain strain mechanical...
Derailleur hanger with insertion aid
Derailleur mounting assembly for a bicycle
Derailleur protector
Derailleurs for multi-speed bicycles
Device at a wheel for a wheelchair
Device for fastening a shoe on a pedal, and shoe and pedal...
Device for improving the steerability of a motor sled
Device for quick mounting and removal of a shaft, such as a...
Device for quick shoe attachment to bicycle pedal
Device for releasably securing a shoe to a bicycle pedal
Device for vessel
Device in the form of a kit for transforming a motorcycle...
Devices to increase pedalling efficiency
Direct pull chain drive mechanism for a man propelled...
Direct transmission system for a bicycle
Disco-car for exercise and recreation