"artificial intelligence" based crowd sensing system for...
"b" deck counter balance assembly for auto-rack car
"b" hook retainer for railcar anchor and load snugger...
"c" block roll bending
"car or truck crinolines" to prevent windshield ice-ups
"d" section side rail/cross rail attachment system
"device for automatically resetting the emergency brake in...
"device for mixing or amalgamating products in liquid,...
"filterbett" filter bed
"fish crate" collapsible container for transporting fresh fish
"in-situ" ballast water treatment system and method
"iron water conditioner"
"j" sections having molded-in rings and method of manufacturing
"l" shaped support device for a hoisting machine in a...
"le litter buggy"
"machine and a method for high-speed, precisely registered...
"master-slave" remote manipulation apparatus having six...
"p-xylylenediamide/diimide composite ro membranes"
"perfection vi" recuperator