Self-organising thermoelectric materials
Self-oxidation internal heating steam reforming system
Self-regenerating method and system of removing oxygen and...
Self-regulating gas generator and method
Self-sustaining hydrogen generator
Semi-conductor materials and devices, and methods of...
Semiconductive materials containing thallium
Semiconductor device having a body of amorphous silicon
Semiconductor manufacturing moisture generation process
Semiconductor material
Semiconductor material for the manufacture of negative...
Semiconductor rod manufacturing method
Semicontinuous process for the manufacture of pure silicon
Separating catalyst-free working solution from the...
Separation and purification of fullerenes
Separation and recovery of carbon monoxide and unsaturated...
Separation and recovery of elemental sulfur from mineral...
Separation and recovery of volatile sulphides from sulphide...
Separation and use of ammonium chloride in the ammonia soda...
Separation method and apparatus