Improved catalytic process for selective alkylation of...
Improved chelator conjugates
Improved chemical absorption process for recovering olefins...
Improved citral and citronellal derivatives
Improved citral derivatives
Improved compositions and methods for the delivery of...
Improved compounds for protein binding
Improved crystalline material
Improved delivery by labile hydrophobic modification of drugs
Improved double bond hydroisomerization process
Improved dry neutralization of olefinically reactive organic...
Improved esterification process
Improved filtrate preparation process for terephthalic acid...
Improved fischer-tropsch process
Improved functionalized resin for chemical synthesis
Improved gas conversion process
Improved hydrocarbon dehydrocyclization process
Improved hydrocyanation process
Improved hydrolytic kinetic resolution of epoxides
Improved inhibitors for the soluble epoxide hydrolase