Shaped material of chitin derivatives
Shear thickening pregelatinized starch
Short chain amylose as a replacement for fats in foods
Shortened purification process for the production of...
Silent wearable signaling device with tactile means to...
Single phase gels for the prevention of adhesions
Size classified cereal starch ganules
Size classified cereal starch granules
Size classified cereal starch granules
Slowly digestible starch product
Slowly digestible starch product
Slowly digestible starch product
Slowly digestible starch-containing foodstuff
Slurry process for the production of absorptive fibers
Solid, herbicidal bipyridinium quaternary salt compositions
Solubilising polysaccharides substituted with hydrophilic...
Solubilization of polyunsaturated fatty acids and their...
Solubilizing hydroxyethylcellulose
Soluble hydrogenated starch derivatives containing non...
Soluble, associative carboxymethylcellulose, method of...