High surface area valve metal powder
High temperature alloys and the manufacture thereof
High temperature heap bioleaching process
High temperature leaching of sulfide ores
High temperature leaching process
High temperature neutralization of laterite leach slurry
High temperature pre-treatment, by means of an alkaline...
High temperature pressure oxidation of ores and ore...
High temperature pyrometallurgical reduction process for the...
High temperature softening of lead bullion
High-silicon as the reductant for the metallothermic...
High-vacuum titanium ac arc melting
Homogenization of metal using gas
Hot briquette iron and method for producing the same
Hot discharge direct reduction furnace
Hybrid process using ion exchange resins in the selective...
Hydro metallurgical process for copper recovery
Hydrodynamic recycle of metallic sulfide seed under pressure
Hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid extraction of uranium ores
Hydrogenation of carbonaceous material