Dioxide electrodes
Direct deposition of gold on carbon fiber
Direct electrolytic metallization of non-conducting substrates
Direct metallization
Direct recovery of metals from sulphide ores by leaching and...
Direct-on ceramic coating of carbon-rich iron
Discrete particulate bipolar reactor
Dismantleable bipolar electrodes
Dispersion process and product
Display cell electrode with insulating support and two-layer...
Disposable salt chlorine generator
Disposal of wastes containing mercury
Disposing molten electrolyte adjacent aluminium oxide...
Dissolution of puo.sub.2 or npo.sub.2 using electrolytically...
Distributing element for electrolyte percolation...
Divided electrochemical cell with electrode of circulating...
Double contact bar insulator assembly for electrowinning of...
Double l-shaped electrode for brine electrolysis cell
Double-dip pd/sn crosslinker
Downward flow of metal and electrolyte through cathode in...