Electro-spinning process for making starch filaments for...
Electrochemical method of surface treating carbon; carbon,...
Electroconductive composite fiber and process for...
Electroprocessed phenolic materials and methods
Electrospun dextran fibers and devices formed therefrom
Emulsion polytetrafluorethylene micropowder additive for...
End identifier for multidye yarn
Endless shaped article of ultra-high molecular weight...
Environmentally non-persistant cellulose ester fibers
Environmentally-friendly disposable absorbent article
Esterification of carboxyl end groups employing addition of...
Ethylene oxide-amine derivative in viscose process
Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer composite fiber and...
Eva yarn compositions
Extensible thread manufacture
Extra fine filament yarn containing deodorant functional...
Extruding filament with periodic changes in colour addition
Extruding high density polyethylene with low tension cooling...
Extrusion of fibers through mist into coagulant
Extrusion of hydrated polyacrylonitrile under autogenous...