Gellable aqueous composition and its use in enhanced...
Gellable aqueous compositions containing polymers with...
Gellable buffered aqueous composition and its use in...
Gelled acid composition and well treating
Gelled acid compositions and methods for acidizing...
Gelled aqueous compositions
Gelled aqueous compositions
Gelled compositions and well treating
Gelling agents for hydrocarbon compounds
Gelling compositions useful for oil field applications
Gelling organic liquids
Gelling system for hydrocarbon fluids
Gels rich in hydrocarbons
Generating acid downhole in acid fracturing
Generating an estimation of incremental recovery from...
Generating and updating true vertical depth indexed data and...
Generating commands for a downhole tool
Generation of fluid for hydrocarbon recovery
Geochemical control of fracturing fluids
Geochemical surveillance of gas production from tight gas...