Parallel wrapped tube heat exchanger
Particulate heating/cooling agents
Passage of a transit line through a conduit containing bends
Passive by-pass for heat exchangers
Passive heat recovery device with forced convection boiling
Passive heat transfer device
Passive three-phase heat tube for the protection of...
Passive wet cooling tower plume abatement system
Patterned tubing and a method of fabricating same from...
Perfected heat exchanger, especially suitable for gas...
Perforated arch-shaped fill bar for splash type water...
Perimeter seal for air heater
Permafrost stabilizing heat pipe assembly
Permafrost structural support with internal heat pipe means
Permeable structure
Perpendicular flow heat conveyor type heat exchanger
Phase change material heat exchanger
Phase change material heat exchanger
Phenoxyethylamine derivatives
Pig cleaning system for rectangular channelled heat...