Device for analysing a surface layer by means of ion scattering
Device for anylysing a surface layer by means of ion scattering
Device for area-based surface treatment of an article by...
Device for centering an x-ray film cassette
Device for controlling an apparatus generating a charged...
Device for correcting an image on a picture tube having...
Device for coupling between a plasma antenna and a power...
Device for detecting and localizing neutral particles, and...
Device for determining the position coordinates of a...
Device for displaying variable quantities
Device for fastening the shadow mask within the upright edge...
Device for generating an ion beam
Device for generating electrons, and display device
Device for generating powerful microwave plasmas
Device for generating ultraviolet radiation
Device for generating x-radiation with a plasma source
Device for manufacturing display screens of colour...
Device for mass analysis and structure analysis of a surface...
Device for measuring and methods for measuring and adjusting...
Device for measuring the energy of an electrical arc