A dsp approach to video decoding
A fire imaging system and method
A framework and a system for semantic content extraction in...
A global copy protection system for digital home networks
A halo display system generating a panoramic virtual image...
A hand held device having a browser application
A high-resolution television system
A highly efficient coding apparatus
A line type illuminator
A low-power, multi-function cellular television system
A machine method for compensating for non-linear picture...
A method and a device for encryption of images
A method and a system for a television display of web feed...
A method and a system for coding rois
A method and a system for generating summarized video
A method and a system for image processing, a device, and an...
A method and a system for processing printed products
A method and an apparatus for stream conversion, a method...
A method and an apparatus for stream conversion, a method...
A method and an arrangement for integrated radio...