A circuit arrangement for providing internet connectivity to...
A circuit arrangement for the subscriber-remote termination...
A circuit to provide backup telephone service for a multiple...
A circuit to provide backup telephone service for a multiple...
A class of low cross correlation non-palindromic...
A client-centric internet shopping system, method and program
A client-server network for managing internet protocol voice...
A clock generation system for a prototyping apparatus
A closed galois field cryptographic system
A cluster frame synchronization scheme for a satellite...
A cluster mobile switching center
A code division multiplex satellite broadcasting system
A code synchronization unit and method
A coding system and method providing unequal error...
A coding technique in discrete multi-tone (dmt) based...
A coding/modulation scheme selection technique
A coherent combining/noncoherent detection (ccnd) method and...
A collision free access scheduling in cellular tdma-cdma...
A combined electro-mechanical and solid state switching fabric
A combined set comprising a vibrator actuator and an...