A detection circuit and a method for detecting a wrong...
A development framework for efficient uniform control of...
A device and a method for achieving visual marking of a line...
A device and a method for switching data frames
A device and a method in a switched telecommunication system
A device and method for balancing loads between different...
A device and method for cascading filters of different...
A device and method for distributing resources of a physical...
A device and method for enabling communications signals...
A device and method for filtering optical wavelengths
A device and method for providing inter-field motion...
A device and method for providing inter-field motion...
A device and method for providing inter-field motion...
A device and method for wireless data transmission
A device and method to clamp and lock permanent magnets and...
A device and method to clamp and lock permanent magnets and...
A device for an electrical fence
A device for automatic completion of casing joint at high...
A device for broadcasting digital information via satellite...
A device for connecting a circuit board to a connection plane