Fat products from high stearic soybean oil and a method for...
Fat products from high stearic soybean oil and a method for...
Fat reduced spreads
Fat replacement composition and ready to spread frostings...
Fat substitute formulation and methods for utilizing same
Fat substitutes containing water soluble beta-carotene
Fat systems and processes for the production of no trans...
Fat systems and processes for the production of no trans...
Fat-containing compositions having a low phosphatide content
Fat-continuous dispersion and method of preparing such...
Fat-free table spread
Fat-free tablespread
Fat-free tablespread
Fat-reduced butters
Fat-reduced butters
Fats and edible emulsions with a high content of cis-...
Fatty acid compositions
Fatty acid esterified propoxylated glycerin as frying oil...
Fatty acid triglycerides for making biocompatible coatings