Use of phenethanol amines to improve fat content of sow's milk
Use of phospholipids as mould inhibiting agents in siloed...
Use of pigment such as e.g. titanium dioxide for obtaining a...
Use of polydextrose for simulating the functional attributes...
Use of polyol esters of fatty acids in aerated frozen...
Use of polyol esters of fatty acids in aerated frozen...
Use of polyphosphate as a tooth erosion inhibitor in acidic...
Use of potassium chloride for the ensilage of green fodder
Use of prenylated flavones
Use of protein cross-linking enzymes in ruminant feed
Use of proteolytic enzymes in poultry feed
Use of proteolytic enzymes to increase feed utilization in...
Use of pullulan as a slowly digested carbohydrate
Use of saffron and/or safranal and/or crocin and/or...
Use of salt to improve extrusion encapsulation of chewing...
Use of soluble dietary fibres against muscle wasting
Use of stabilized milk-protein powder in the production of...
Use of stable gas cells in food products
Use of starch as a fat and oil substitute in foodstuffs
Use of sterile mesomorphic phases in food products