Device and welding torch for plasma-mig-welding
Device fabrication by plasma etching
Device fabrication by plasma etching of aluminum rich surfaces
Device for and method of establishing joints by means of...
Device for applying a solder paste, a glue or the like in...
Device for applying solder
Device for arc welding, in particular submerged-arc welding,...
Device for backing butt-welds between tubes
Device for carrying out an inductive low-frequency or...
Device for cathodic cleaning of wire
Device for centering and clamping tubular parts
Device for centering and clamping tubular parts
Device for clamping at least two components for connection...
Device for cleaning the gas nozzle of a welding torch
Device for cleansing welding torches
Device for confirming opening of welding gun
Device for controlling a cutting torch
Device for controlling a laser source with multiple laser...
Device for controlling butt welding machine
Device for controlling ultrasonic welding apparatus