Device attachable to power drills for removal of material...
Device fabrication by plasma etching
Device fabrication by plasma etching of aluminum rich surfaces
Device for a tool spindle
Device for a tool spindle
Device for a tool spindle
Device for adjusting foot plate of a jigsaw
Device for adjusting the position of a tool-holder head...
Device for and method of establishing joints by means of...
Device for applying a solder paste, a glue or the like in...
Device for applying solder
Device for arc welding, in particular submerged-arc welding,...
Device for assembling and disassembling a tool with a...
Device for assembling return bend to coil
Device for assembling tools in a tool-holder by thermal...
Device for assembling valve parts
Device for attaching accessories
Device for automatically loading workpiece palettes
Device for axial delivery of cryogenic fluids through a...
Device for backing butt-welds between tubes