Edge treatments for coated substrates
Electric lamp having an envelope composed of photoresistant...
Electrically conductive glass yarn and constructions...
Electroconductive film for photovoltaic element
Electrodes de metal amorphe/verre metallique pour processus...
Electrostatic method of coating glass articles with a powder...
Embedding material useful in preparing glass-ceramic products
Emulsions for fibreglass binder systems
Enamel application composition and method for making...
Enamel coating, coated article and method of coating an article
Enamel composition
Enamel compositions
Enamel for coating steel articles
Enamel frit and a process for two-layer and multi- layer...
Enamel frit composition for a low-expansion crystallized...
Enamel frit composition for a low-expansion crystallized...
Enamel frits for acid-resistant one-coat enamellings on...
Enamel slip
Encapsulant composition
Encapsulant composition