Lactoneotrehalose, and it's preparation and uses
Lankacidins production
Large scale microbial culture method
Latent procytotoxins and uses thereof
Leaching of minerals
Leucine derivatives
Lignocellulosic biomass conversion
Line-spacing mechanism for a teleprinter or a similar...
Linked linear amplification of nucleic acids
Lipase-catalyzed acylation of alcohols with diketenes
Lipase-catalyzed ester hydrolysis
Liponucleotides of deoxynucleosides, the production thereof...
Lipopeptides from actinoplanes sp. with pharmacological...
Lipopolysaccharides (lps) extracted from escherichia coli
Lipoproteic complex stabilizing the effect of vitamin e and...
Liquefaction of dry milled starch grain slurries
Liquefaction of granular-starch slurries using alpha-amylase...
Liquefaction of starch-based biomass
Liquid loaded pad for medical applications
Locally-regulated pressurized pretreatment of...