Method and device for controlling the movement of a supply...
Method and device for detaching an electrolytically...
Method and device for detecting anode effects of an...
Method and device for recovering metals with pulsating...
Method and device for releasing anode base thimbles, in...
Method and device for releasing cathode plates
Method and device for replacing anodes in a dry method...
Method and device for selective cation extraction by...
Method and device for the continuous manufacture of lithium
Method and device for the suppression of magnetic...
Method and device for treating and refining liquid metal...
Method and electrolytic cell for electrowinning metal values
Method and means for control of heat balance
Method and means for extracting heat from aluminium...
Method and means for feeding aluminium oxide to cells for...
Method and means for sport feeding of electrolytic vessels...
Method and system for controlling addition of powdery...
Method and system for cooling an electrolytic cell for...
Method for arranging electrodes in an electrolytic process...
Method for changing anode in an electrolytic aluminium...