Highly energy efficient bipolar electrodes and use thereof...
Highly porous electrodes hot pressed from nickel powder for...
Hoist apparatus for positioning anode in smelting furnace
Hold down device
Holder for a mother plate
Holding clamp for electroplating articles in a bath
Hollow bipolar electrode
Hollow bipolar electrolytic cell anode-cathode connecting...
Hollow cathode array and method of cleaning sheet stock...
Hollow inorganic membranes produced by metal or composite...
Hollow metallic anodes for electrolysis cells with vertical...
Horizontal gel electrophoresis apparatus
Horizontal mercury cathode electrolyzer
Horizontal oscillating treating barrel apparatus
Horizontal, planar, bipolar diaphragm cells
Horizontal, rectilinear type metal-electroplating method and...
Household appliances which utilize an electrolyzer and...
Hybrid chromium recovery process
Hydrated chromium oxide-coated steel strip useful for welded...
Hydrodimerization of olefinic compounds