Efficient determination of homogeneous rectangles in a...
Efficient direct cell replacement fault tolerant...
Efficient down-scaling of dct compressed images
Efficient encoding of alternative graphic sets
Efficient error detection in a vlsi central processing unit
Efficient evaluation of queries using translation
Efficient event waiting
Efficient extraction of xml content stored in a lob
Efficient fixed-point approximations of forward and inverse...
Efficient fixed-point approximations of forward and inverse...
Efficient floating point overflow and underflow detection...
Efficient gray tile storage
Efficient hardware processor sharing
Efficient implementation of a multidimensional fast fourier...
Efficient implementation of typed view hierarchies for ordbms
Efficient index-data fetch via callback for a table data
Efficient interface for the main store of a data processing...
Efficient interrupt return address save mechanism
Efficient locking for thread-safe self-modifying code
Efficient mangement of large files