Technique for creating and expanding element marks in a...
Technique for defining, using and manipulating rights...
Technique for delivering network personal video recorder...
Technique for dynamically changing an isdn connection during...
Technique for effective management of directory information
Technique for effective management of information and...
Technique for effective management of schedules of...
Technique for effective organization and communication of...
Technique for effectively providing search results by an...
Technique for effectively searching for information in...
Technique for implementing byte-wide uart transfers on a...
Technique for improving the efficiency of reconfigurable...
Technique for information protection on fault-tolerant...
Technique for inverting the state of a plasma or similar...
Technique for object orientation detection using a...
Technique for obtaining and exchanging information on world...
Technique for obtaining information and services over a...
Technique for performing financial transactions over a network
Technique for plotting a variable-width signal in a...
Technique for producing an expert system for system fault...