A hydrocarbon synthesis process with a catalyst having a...
A hydrogenation process using catalysts deposited on gauze,...
A joint process for preparing alcohol/ether mixtures,...
A large scale method for the deoxofluorination of ketones
A low water methanol carbonylation process for high acetic...
A manufacturing method for 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane
A manufacturing method for 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane
A methanol, olefin, and hydrocarbon synthesis process
A method and a reactor for making methanol
A method and an arrangement for making methanol
A method and apparatus for controlling the separation of...
A method for crystallizing polyols and sugars
A method for detecting the presence of a mycobacterium...
A method for extending catalyst life in processes for...
A method for increasing the yield of 2,6-nda
A method for inhibiting hydrate formation
A method for inhibiting premature polymerization of vinyl...
A method for isolating phenolic substances or juvabiones...
A method for making glycol in an adiabatic reactor system
A method for manufacturing a .beta.-diaryl electron...